Ministries Coordinators:
Senior Pastor
Rev. Faylyn Kanneh
Minister of Music
Rev. David Hall
301-340-9534 ext. 302
-We have a band, praise team, choir, and special singing opportunities for all. If you would like to minister in music we have a place for you.
Youth Pastor (acting)
Sis. Diamando Tellez
-With an ever-changing world we need to make sure our young people are ready. Make sure they are involved in our Might Youth programs.
Women's and Children's Ministry Director
Sis. Theresa Twum
-Our women's ministry has Bible studies and regular activities to minister build up our wonderful ladies.
-The Children's ministry of our church is very active. With Sunday, Wednesday, and Special programs all the time, you will NEVER stop enjoying yourself.
Men's Ministry Director
Bro. Amos Joe
-Men's ministry has a monthly prayer meeting on Thursday nights, we also once a month have an amazing men's breakfast and other actives. You do not want to miss out.
We seeks to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ to “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,…” (Matthew 28:19).
We seek to be a gateway of information and support between those whom God calls to minister around the world and those whom God calls to sponsor these ministries. We support and develop an international perspective, in fulfilling the mission of the Church of God, and ensure the sponsorship of ministries that meet the needs of persons of different cultural settings. Our work includes specialized training programs and materials, opportunities for leadership experience, and opening channels for new ideas.
We work with Church of God World Missions to exalt Jesus Christ through evangelism, church planting, leadership development and other ministries of compassion for a flourishing international church.
More information contact:
Charles Kanneh
Other places to get involved:
Ann Matthews - amatthews@rockvillecog.com
Ann Matthews - amatthews@rockvillecog.com
Young Adult
James Tellez - tellezjames@hotmail.com
Biju CN - bijunbs4@gmail.com
Pastor's Council:
Audley Gayle
Charles Kanneh
Eli Ormsby
David Scaperoth
Cyrus Kamara
Ann Mathews